Anything for this Saturday morning?
Hi, can we not sign up for Saturday Feb 3?
Just checking if there is anything available this coming Saturday
It shows 19 spots are available Manny. It probably was delayed because members are notified ahead of non-members resulting in the event appearing 72 hours before scheduled date/time.
How long is this open for? 9am to 12 or 1pm?
Fridays not back permanently but we have an opening tonight! Reminder only, room for 20 players.
Hi Krissy, for the Sat Feb 3 event @ 9am event, what is the stop time for this event? I just trying to figure out if it makes sense to RSVP if I am available 11am and after. Thanks
Hi Krissy,
I hope another night can open up during the week. Thank you
PeteK is coming with JaniceK
How many courts will be available on Saturday?
we will have 6 nets but we have the ability to set 2 more up if we need them.
Hi Krissy - Is there chance courts are open on Sundays?
Hi Krissy, will you be continuing with Saturday open play/practice through the month of February? Or is this coming Saturday a one time thing?
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